The Caron Keating Rose is now available to order through Harkness Roses. This most unusual and delightful rose is a gentle and soothing tone of glowing apricot. In full bloom, it creates a flowering spectacle, making it a fabulous choice for almost any garden situation. Flower production is prolific and repeat-bloom cycle is rapid, giving a long and colourful season. The blooms are double, opening to about 10cm (4″), they are borne in generous trusses effectively covering the bush from the top right down to the ground. Harkness Roses can be contacted on 0845 331 3143 or The price is £7.95 for bare root plant and please quote: CKF122 . The Caron Keating Foundation will benefit from 30% of the sale if you use the quote above. Please note there may be a delay between order and delivery.